Empowering Industries

Kuwait Gulf Hydraulics: Your Trusted Partner for Cutting-Edge Hydraulic Solutions

Our Services​​​​

Revolutionizing Rig Reliability

Leading the Industry with Proactive Maintenance Solutions

Sparks of Real Excellence

Illuminates the Welding And Machining Industry with Precision

State-of-the-Art Workshop

Diligently Crafting Excellence in Our Cutting-Edge Workshop

High Quality Products

Discounts And Promotions

100% Secure Payments

Free Delivery

Our Facility

Where Precision Meets Ingenuity.

Dedicated Honing Machine

Highest quality in every project.

Hard Chrome Plating Area 

Surface finishing solutions.

CNC Machine Area

Where ideas materialize.

Our Expertise

The cornerstone of our success.


Highest standards of workmanship.


Our Top Priority.


Committed to dependable services.

About KGH, A Top Tier Hydraulic Service Company

Offering top-tier hydraulic cylinder services in Kuwait with our specialized solutions. Our expert team ensures precision repairs, maintenance, and custom solutions, adhering to the highest industry standards.